Vanquinox Community Pledge

Vanquinox Community Pledge

Welcome to Vanquinox 2024! By joining our event, you are not only participating in a unique experience but also committing to the principles of self-reliance, community, and mutual respect that make our gathering special. This pledge is a simple, non-legally binding agreement to honor your commitments and support our shared community.

Community Pledge

I, [Participant’s Name], pledge to the Vanquinox community to:

  1. Show Up with My Contribution:
    • I will bring the item or service I committed to share with the community, such as signage, live music, yoga class, sound bath/equinox ceremony, group meal, firewood, etc.
    • I understand that my contribution is essential to the success and enjoyment of the event for all participants.
  2. Communicate Changes Promptly:
    • If I am unable to attend Vanquinox 2024 or provide my committed contribution, I will notify the organizers as soon as possible. This will allow sufficient time for alternative arrangements to be made and ensure the smooth running of the event.
  3. Embrace Community Spirit:
    • I will actively participate in the communal activities and respect the contributions of others.
    • I will uphold the values of self-reliance, mutual respect, and community support throughout the event.
  4. Practice Leave No Trace:
    • I will take responsibility for my own waste and ensure that our gathering leaves the land as beautiful as we found it.
  5. Commit to Fostering a Welcoming and Inclusive Environment for all Participants, Regardless of Race, Gender, Age, Sexual Identity, or Make of Van.
    • I will:
      • Treat every individual with respect and kindness.
      • Celebrate the diversity of our community.
      • Stand against any form of discrimination or intolerance.
      • Encourage open-mindedness and understanding among all attendees.
      • Agree to the Code of Conduct


By signing up for Vanquinox via, I am accepting this pledge and affirm my commitment to the principles and values of Vanquinox 2024. I understand that this pledge is a statement of my personal commitment and is not legally binding. My participation is driven by my dedication to our shared community and the spirit of the event.